
I am a visual storyteller who creates compelling images driven by strong moments of emotional connection.

My photography follows two distinct paths.

As an assignment photographer, I am a storyteller who works with both publications and commercial clients, primarily in higher ed and the arts. Drawing on a decade of experience in photojournalism, I create images that tell the stories of people, places, organizations and their missions. A list of selected clients and publication credits is below.

As an artist, I create uniquely intimate long-form photo essays that explore Earth’s natural history. This work has appeared in literary journals, and juried gallery shows and museum exhibitions.

I am based in western New England and work nationally.

Selected clients and publication credits:

‘62 Center for Theatre and Dance, Albany Times-Union, Artforum, Associated Press, Bay State Banner, Benton Museum of Art, Berkshire Grown, Berkshire Magazine, Boston Globe, Bowdoin College Office of Communications and Public Affairs, Denver Post, Deseret News, Detroit Free Press, Hamilton College Office of Communications and Marketing, HarperCollins Publishers, Harvard University Press, Jacobs Pillow, Light Journal, Maine Public Radio, Massachusetts Cultural Council, National Geographic Society, New England Foundation for the Arts, New England Small College Athletic Conference, Northwestern University Press, Oxfam America, Penguin Random House Publishers, Politiken, Pomona College, Portland Press Herald, Rocky Mountain News, Sydney Morning Herald, The Gazette (Colorado Springs), The Wilderness Society, University of Vermont Foundation, USAToday, Washington Post, Williams College Museum of Art, Williams College Office of Communications